Martin W. Scripp, Ph. D. Clinical Psychologist

1. To understand our personality and become “aware” of how we interact with others.

2. To learn to cope with the challenges, stresses, pressures, competition, ambition, and decision-making needed
to find our place in a social world.

3. To find a centeredness within ourselves to handle anxiety, depression, confusion, identity disruption and
confrontation of what arises.

4. To learn that the world is often in chaos, confusion, and degrading of values, customs, and traditions that
have provided unity and direction in life.

5. To learn that personal effort and work is its own reward and satisfaction.

6. To realize that life is too important to be taken “only” seriously.

7. To learn that happiness is a mixture of fun and ongoing contentment within ourselves.

8. To learn that it is best when we work with people and not always against them.

9. To stand up and be assertive for ourselves and desires and to deal with the outcome.
(Shyness or other peoples’ opinions may hold us back.)

10. To conclude that our experience in the world may not be that bad. We need some humor to balance us.

11. To come to believe that there are ways to deal with the ups and downs in life by finding many strategies to use.

12. To adapt to the instant communication, rapid social movement, and information overload that is present today.

13. To come to terms with the uncertainties we face in life. We need movement forward to live life fully.